Friday, May 20, 2005


The Quizzing Imbroglio

The quiz I attended yesterday turned out to be a disaster. I guess I wanted to know where I stood with respect to my “GK”. After the quiz, I am not sure if I am “standing” anywhere. The first round was a written prelim and out of all the questions (don’t want to reveal the exact number here), my partner and I managed one question correct. It was a shock when I realized which one we had finally deciphered. I am averse to watching the daily soaps on TV, but such is the impact of this serial that we guessed the audio clip playing the theme music immediately. The soap was “Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi” which when translated means “Because mother-in-law was also a bride once”. It hit me sometime after the quiz. My partner does not know this but I had spelt the answer wrong. There was now an extra “n” in the second word changing it to “Saans” which does change the entire meaning drastically.

So much for my quizzing skills. My only hope is that the quizmaster shows mercy and does not reduce the score to zilch because of the typo.

Lol !! We were there too ( Me n a project-mate )..Missed the finals by a whisker :-( Made 9 though :-) Found I aint rustic after college..
Good for you ( i mean about getting 9 right and not about missing the finals by a whisker :-)).
Since you made a typo and made it "Saans" ...

A hypothetical toothpaste Ad is supposed to have the following line "Kyunki Saans main Bhi Kabhi Badbhu Thi".

I don't know the origins of this one though :-(
Thats a good one :-)
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