Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Let Sleeping Humans Sleep

Usually my bus journeys from office to home and vice-versa are uneventful. Today was an exception. On my trip back home, I realized that the person sitting next to me was someone who usually gets down at the stop prior to mine. Being a casual acquaintance, I greeted him and then got engrossed in the book I was reading. My neighbor however had drifted into a sound sleep. As the bus neared his destination, I began to get concerned. I decided that I needed to wake him up before its too late. I shook him and told him about the impending stop and that he needs to be getting down. He woke up with a start as if from a nightmare. He told me that he was to get down much later today. He was however appreciative of my effort and thanked me. I wasn’t too happy that I had interrupted his peaceful slumber. It also added to my misery when he stated that he had had an exhaustive day yesterday and he needed to catch up on his sleep. By this time, my stop had arrived and I mumbled an incoherent apology before I left.

What does this really teach me? People who sleep in a shuttle are the best judge of where their destination is. Never impede upon their sleep and then face their wrath later.

That's a lesson indeed!
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